It’s December 2017 and Democratic Senator Bill Nelson is clearing ringing the alarm bell for his 2018 re-election race against Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R).
Ever since speculation began to swirl around that Scott was a lock to challenge Nelson for re-election next year, the senior senator has taken to social media fundraising in hopes to counter the millions of dollars Scott and the National Senatorial Republican Committee (NRSC) will undoubtedly raise and spend to defeat him.Nelson won’t able to counter Scott cutting a multi-million-dollar check, but he can mitigate other outside dollars that will be pumped into the race, if, and only if Scott decides to officially jump into the race.
Nelson first starting fundraising off the Hurricane Irma disaster, then it was climate change, Remember, Nelson was the first to blame climate change for Hurricane Irma’s development.
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Now the good senator is taking his fundraising chances against Vice President Mike Pence and former White House Advisor Steve Bannon.
According to one of Nelson’s campaign fundraising emails, Scott is Pence’s and “President Trump’s handpicked candidate to run” against him in Florida.
This is true, as President Trump has openly endorsed a probably Scott senatorial run for office.And then there is Steve Bannon.
Bannon Is the Republican Boogie Man for Democrats, so naturally he is coupled with President Trump.
“Trump knows the only way he’s going to be able to advance his extreme agenda in the Senate is by getting another rubber stamp, like Rick Scott, elected to help him. And that’s why right-wing Republicans are already pouring millions into this race to help Scott.”-Sen. Bill Nelson (D)
Democrats have long press the notion that Nelson was a “moderate” Democratic senator, but his voting record tells a different story.
Nelson has voted in lock-step with President Obama throughout his presidency and has been given the worst rating (2%) by the Heritage Action for America.Nelson comes in last with Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D) and Ted Deutch (D) coming in with 11% and 12%, respectfully.
When will Gov. Scott make is official senate run?
No one knows. Rumor is the announcement will come shortly after the 2018 legislative session ends in early March.