Senate Conservatives like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz recently looked on in disbelief and disgust as Senator John McCain (R) betrayed Americans with his deciding vote against the latest Obamacare repeal bill.
Now that McCain all-but embarrassed his Republican colleagues in the Senate, again, the Conservative movement is calling out the senior senator from Arizona and his six other Republican colleagues ,who also voted against repealing the law.The Senate Conservative Fund is asking for concerned Americans to step up and primary-challenged these flip-flopping 7 in their respective upcoming elections. The fund states that their change of mind on repealing Obamacare was nothing more than inexcusable, showcasing their past and present positions on the failing Healthcare law.
“They spent years promising to repeal the law and now with a Republican in the White House they have the power to do it.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.If we want Republicans to stop taking conservatives for granted and stop betraying our principles, we must help conservative candidates challenge them in their primary elections.” –Ken Cuccinelli II, Senate Conservatives Fund President.