Scott Fuhrman is at it again after he lost his first congressional race last year as a political newcomer. He is going to make another run to unseat veteran Miami Republican U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen in 2018.
Fuhrman like many Democrats throughout the nation hopes since President Donald Trump is unpopular he will be about to win the congressional district as reported by POLITICO.The thirty five Miami native told POLITICO Florida that he is going to file the paperwork to officially announce his candidacy on Monday. Fuhrman also said he miscalculated last year when he launched his congressional campaign only five months before the election. Voter’s did not even know who he was.
Fuhrman said;
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen has been telling people what they want to hear instead of what they need to know. I want to be known as the truth teller.
Fuhrman runs a family owned Miami bottling company that has been in business since the 1950’s. Last year he struggled to get traction and name recognition. Whereas Ros-Lehtinen is well know n in the district and is a household name.
Ros-Lehtinen is still anticipated to be the winner and she might be the only Republican who could pull off a win in that district that includes Coral Gables and Miami Beach. As the mother of a transgender child, she has resisted many of her conservative colleagues who have a tougher position on gay rights. She announced she will not support Trump’s Obamacare Replacement and she tries to convince her colleagues that man-made climate change is real.But for all of that, Fuhrman says she is still a republican and more often that district goes to Democrats.