The Trump administration and Russia have been dominating the media ever since Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential election.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is now being accused of having met on two separate occasions with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the United States. To the allegations, Sessions responded by saying that he “never met with any Russian officials to discuss issues of the campaign. I have no idea what this allegation is about. It is false.”In response, many Florida lawmakers are calling for him to recuse himself or to flat out resign as attorney general. For example, Florida Democratic representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz commented:
Republican Representative Carlos Curbelo explained that “The American people must have full trust and confidence in any and all government investigations into Russian efforts to undermine or manipulate our elections. Regardless of whether the Attorney General misspoke or misled at his Senate confirmation hearing, the Justice Department should include these alleged meetings in their investigation and Mr. Sessions should recuse himself from Justice Department activities related to the investigation.”“America’s top law enforcement official can’t perjure himself before the United States Senate and maintain the credibility and confidence that the chief law enforcement officer for the nation must have to hold that position. He must now resign.”
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.When then-Senator Jeff Sessions testified under oath that he did not have communications with the Russians during his confirmation hearing, he lied to Congress and breached the public trust. This obviously disqualifies Sessions from handling any investigation into the Trump Administration’s involvement with Russia. But more than his recusal, Sessions faces apparent perjury issues, which must be investigated and prosecuted.
What’s especially unsettling is that Sessions involvement with Russian officials is part of a larger pattern of involvement between Moscow and Trump’s campaign and administration. Ultimately, we need an open, independent, bipartisan investigation into Russia’s ties to the Trump administration and its attempt to influence our elections.”
However, Republican Senator Marco Rubio has opted not to comment on the affair because he says he wishes to talk to Attorney General Sessions before coming to any conclusion. Rubio is on the Intelligence Committee that is investigative any ties the outcome of the election might have to Russia. He called the Sessions controversy “a relevant story” and that if there were indeed any facts the Justice Department needed to look into, “it could potentially call into question whether or not the attorney general can do the job or whether an independent counsel would be necessary. We’re not at that stage yet.”