On Wednesday, President Obama had Defense Secretary Ash Carter award him with the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Service.
According to Breitbart, Secretary Carter awarded his boss with the medal on January 4 during the Armed Forces Full Honor Farewell Review for the President held a Conmy Hall, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Virginia.Even though a lot of people alleged Obama had the medal awarded to himself, Carter insisted that the medal was a token of appreciation for Obama’s service as commander in chief.
The irony did not stop there. After spending the last several weeks throwing roadblocks in the path of President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team, Obama told the members of the military in attendance:
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Twitter was on fire with comments about Obama’s newest medal. CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller tweeted:
Defense Secy Carter presents Pres Obama with Dept of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service. pic.twitter.com/a5DihpPRnA
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) January 4, 2017
In response people tweeted:
@markknoller so Carter whom was picked for Secretary of Defense by Obama gives him an award! I wonder who’s idea that was EGO & CHIEF?
— LSU-Pi (@LSU_PI) January 4, 2017
@markknoller so Carter whom was picked for Secretary of Defense by Obama gives him an award! I wonder who’s idea that was EGO & CHIEF?
— LSU-Pi (@LSU_PI) January 4, 2017