Former presidential hopeful John Kasich voted on Monday for 2008 presidential nominee John McCain instead of 2016 nominee Donald Trump.
Kasich’s spokesman Chris Schrimpf said Kasich wrote in McCain’s name at the top of his absentee ballot.Schrimpf said Kasich voted down the Republican ticket but just could not bring himself to vote for Trump. In addition, Kasich has spent the fall campaigning for down-ballot Republican candidates. He also gave the maximum contribution for a handful of Senate candidates.
Kasich promised not to support Trump in November after dropping out of the race for president in May.
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Trump has lashed out at Kasich in the past for failing to endorse him after the Republican primary. Last week Trump told an Ohio radio host:
I’m very disappointed in the governor. He signed a pledge, he didn’t honor it. He took a big, he took a big defeat and he has not gotten over it.