Relishing in the throes of any given political season is not something any of us really do, unless there is a congressional candidates that makes our jobs as reporters that much more amusing.
Enter former Congressman Joe Garcia (D).Garcia is a nice guy, who speaks his mind. Boy, does he like to speak his mind. Joe Biden Jr. has said done and said some pretty interesting cringworthy things over the past couple of years, and the Republican National Congressional Committee (NRCC) is quick to point out all of those self-inflicted “Gotcha moments” and gaffes Garcia has made.
Here is the NRCC’s latest attack ad against Garcia:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“Joe Garcia was fired by South Florida voters because his ideas and scandals were a complete embarrassment. It’s obvious that Joe Garcia is too embarrassing and too dangerous for the people of Florida’s 26th District.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack
To be fair, who wouldn’t vote for and re-elect a sex toy-buying, earwax eating, and “Communism works” spewing former member of Congress?