Domestic Violence as serious issue that has plagued America for many years, and continues to be at the forefront in today’s heartless political world.
Its political season and every issue is fair game, including that of domestic violence.After the now infamous 2005 video recording of Donald Trump using very questionable verbiage to describe what he would do to woman was released, Democrats used the video to fuel their ongoing and phony Republican “war on women.”
One of the most outspoken anti-Domestic Violence supporters, former DNC Chair and Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has already attempted to cash in off Trump’s misstep. Wasserman Schultz sent out a to her supporters a fundraising letter that states, “grabbing women and kissing them without their consent — is sexual assault.”
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Sexual assault is a problem in this country, and it’s something that needs to be taken with the utmost seriousness.
Dismissing that kind of talk as “locker room” banter minimizes the severity of sexual assault. It normalizes it and creates a culture of victim silencing and disbelief.
The last thing victims of sexual assault need is a Presidential candidate talking about using his celebrity status to get awaywith it. Stand with me and reaffirm that sexual assault is assault and not something to be taken lightly >> –Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D)
Yes, all forms of sexual assault are a serious problem in this country, even when a man deliberately gropes a woman’s breast while posing for the camera, right?
Regardless of whether the woman in the picture was Rep. Patrick Murphy’s “girlfriend,” friend, blow up doll, sister, aunt, mother, or whomever, gave him permission to “grab them by the booby”, the act is still a sexual assault.
Notice how Murphy’s fingers are constricting the woman. This was not accident, nor was it a casual and unintended caress.
Murphy has his “hands full” (pun very much intended) in his senatorial race against Senator Rubio this election cycle. Rubio is up in just about every single public opinion poll.
Is there a double-standard in play here when it comes to a Republican talking about a supposed sexual assault, as oppose to a Democrat actually getting caught sexually assaulting a woman?