Appearing on the Sunday morning CBS program “Face the Nation” with host John Dickerson, Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential running mate Sen. Tim Kaine was asked to discuss the ongoing email-gate scandal that has plagued the Clinton campaign.
Kaine tried to deflect away and discredit the emails Wikileaks released that were sent to and from Mrs. Clinton’s private email account. Many of these emails paint Clinton in a bad light, and confirm suspected corruption in the Democratic Party.Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has been campaign on the emails, branding Clinton as being “crooked.”
Kaine said that the “hack” was “an effort by Wikileaks and Russia to try to destabilize our election,” and that “you can’t assume that they are all accurate,” adding that the emails may have been “doctored.”
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The Democratic vice presidential pick also add that individuals conducting cyber-attacks and “then try to destabilize an election” cannot be trusted to “maintain scrupulous honesty’
about he content they are “dumping out for the world to see.”Kaine then seemed to contradict his own assertion about Russia’s alleged involvement in the leaked emails.
“Well we don’t know that Russia was involved, it might be a big guy sitting in his parents basement. Over and over again, he is defending Russia on this, as if Russia isn’t involved, even though the director of National Intelligence and Justice Department and FBI officials have connected Russia to these attacks.”
With the general election just three weeks away, Clinton and Trump are locked in a close race, but recent polls show that Clinton may have the edge over Trump.