Maybe the old Republican guard needs to start taking their lead from the young whippersnappers when it comes of elections. After Trump was caught using “locker room talk” in referencing woman, Republican elected officials began to pull their support.
Many offended Americans, including Sen. Marco Rubio, saw the big picture. To them, living with what Trump said would be far more bearable than living through four years of a Clinton presidency . Read more hereFlorida Federated of Young Republicans Chairman Robert Foster made his case for why Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump would be a far better choice than the three-decades-long failed leadership of Hillary Clinton.
Foster stated that as “a Christian and a conservative” he was “disappointed and offended” by Trump’s 2005 Access Hollywood hot mic video, but that was more offensive to him was the real possibility that a Clinton Administration continuing “the reckless and damaging Barack Obama agenda.”
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Here is Foster’s complete statement:
Robert Foster wearing a Barry Manilow-like Jacket (LOL)
“As a Christian and a conservative, I was deeply disappointed and offended to hear the recordings of Donald Trump from 2005. They were unbecoming of a gentleman, appalling, and wildly inappropriate. Mr. Trump did the right thing by immediately issuing a genuine and complete apology.
However, as a Republican and an American, I am infinitely more offended and appalled by what Hillary Clinton has done during the course of the last three decades than by anything Donald Trump has ever said. After almost eight years of President Obama systematically undermining American leadership in the world and her greatness at home, I know that Donald Trump is the only candidate for president who represents real and necessary change for the better.Hillary Clinton wants to continue the reckless and damaging Barack Obama agenda whereas Donald Trump wants to Make America Great Again. Sunday night’s debate could not have better crystallized the stark differences between these two candidates and as a Republican, there is only one candidate for me: Donald Trump.
As Chairman of The Florida Federation of Young Republicans I remain committed to doing everything in my power to mobilize millennials to vote for Donald Trump for President, Marco Rubio for Senate, and all down ballot Republicans. There is too much at stake for this great country we all love.
May God bless you and may God continue to bless the United States of America.”
Robert M. Foster, Jr.
Florida Federation of Young Republicans Chairman