Stop what you are doing and watch this video. Too funny.
Senator Marco Rubio took his all-too famous and sometimes corny stand-up comedy routine to Boca Raton, Florida, clowning both of the 2016 Democratic senatorial primary candidates, Reps. Alan Grayson and Patrick Murphy.Rubio started off by saying that he thinks Alan Grayson is “literally insane,” adding that he believes the self-styled “Congressman with Guts” is not “well.”
Patrick Murphy took the brunt of the jokes.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Probably one of the most unaccomplished individuals in the U.S. Congress, rated one of the most ineffective members of Congress. Has never achieved anything meaningful in his life.- Sen. Marco Rubio
Rubio joked that Murphy failed his online CPA test 9 times, and then took a shot at Murphy’s recent claim that he himself was an immigrant/
He claims to be an immigrant, and it’s true. He came over from Fisher Island.
Again, watch the funny video and share it.