Wow! Usually democrats pull either the race or the gender card but one U.S. Senate candidate set the bar extremely low by pulling them both at the same time.
Miami labor attorney and former U.S. Navy officer Pam Keith is the lone African-American women in the U.S. Senate democratic primary against Alan Grayson and Patrick Murphy.According to the Miami Herald she is accusing WFTV Channel 9 in Orlando of “colluding” with Murphy and Grayson to arrange a “one-on-one” debate.
Keith released the following statement:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Essentially, WFTV wants to ensure that all voters, but especially women, African American and Hispanic voters, remain ignorant of any candidates other than the two wealthy white men they seek to promote
The threshold we used for our debate was 15 percent or higher. While there are many candidates for the Democratic Senate seat, only two meet that threshold: Rep. Patrick Murphy and Rep. Alan Grayson.
To treat those voters, who may have a particular interest in a woman candidate or candidates of color, as inconsequential is beyond belief,