The clear loser of this week is Debbie Wasserman Schultz and a lot of Republicans could not be happier. Even her fellow Democrats booed her on Monday.
While speaking at the Florida delegation breakfast before delegates headed to the the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia patrons tried to boo her off the stage.When Wasserman Schultz took the podium constant booing could be heard from the crowd which drowned out anything she tried to say.
She stated:
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Several delegates at the meeting also held up signs reading “Division!” and “Emails” which were obvious references to the scandal.
Wasserman continued to say:We have to make sure that we move forward together in a unified way. We know that the voices in this room that are standing up and being disruptive, we know that is not the Florida that we know. The Florida that we know is going to make sure that we continue to make jobs.
Attendees then shouted “Shame! Shame! Shame!” and Wasserman Schultz was quickly escorted from the podium.
Wow… that must have been a sight to behold. Such a far fall from where she once was. Could this be the end of Wasserman Schultz’s political career? We will find out soon enough.