Our managing editor Javier Manjarres was on Studio D on Tuesday with democratic strategists Ivette Gonzalez Petkovich and Ben Pollara discussing Donald Trump and if he has support of the Republican Party or not along with the shooting in Orlando.
When asked about Donald Trump, Manjarres said Republicans will plug their noses and they will vote for Trump at the end of the day.Petkovich said Trump is racist and that he wants to ban Muslims and the Republican party will not ban together to vote for him.
Manjarres said:
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He said a lot of Democrats do not like Hillary Clinton and they are going to vote for Trump over her.
Next they discussed the mass shooting in Orlando, FL and how the democrats are calling for gun control.Pollara said the shootings keep happening and no one does anything about it.
Manjarres pointed out the shooter obtained the guns legally and the reason he went rogue is because “he subscribed to radical ideology.”
The Democrats felt the Republicans were throwing their hands up in the air and they did not want to acknowledge the problem.
When asked what Donald Trump would do about guns if elected, everyone agreed they did not know what he would do because he is unpredictable.
You can watch the exchange below: