Congressman David Jolly, the presumptive frontrunner in Florida’s Republican Senate primary race to replace outgoing Senator Marco Rubio continues to get pummeled by his primary oppenents for taking a more moderate approach to legislating.
Lt. Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera (R) took a couple shots a Jolly at last weeks Forum Club event in West Palm Beach, saying that Jolly let “conservatives” and “constituents down because of his liberal positions.”Lopez-Cantera also said that Jolly was “weak on pro-Life issues” after being asked to comment on Jolly’s past donations as a lobbyist to Rep. Allyson Schwartz (D), who once owned and operated a Planned Parenthood clinic that performed abortions.
Congressman Jolly has let a lot of conservatives down. I think he has led he constituents down because of the liberal positions he has taken in Congress, and I think he has shown that he clearly is afraid of Charlie Crist.
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While Jolly seems to be leading the pack of GOP Senate candidates in all the recent polls taken in the race, there really is no clear frontrunner with enough statewide name recognition to win the race outright.
Stay tuned, this race is really starting to heat up…