Clay County Sheriff candidate Craig Aldrich is being accused by a Facebook page titled “Saving Clay County from Craig Aldrich,” of visiting a strip club in an unmarked government-use only vehicle.
The anonymous page’s editor claims to have a video of the whole incident which they have been slowly releasing still shots of warning Aldrich the video will soon be released to the media. On May 8th they posted along with the still shot of the video on the Facebook page.“Who’s unmarked unit is that? You know who it is. . . Try to silence us and there are 200 copies of everything packaged and ready for immediate distribution.”
Aldrich could not be reach for comment, but the aforementioned Facebook page administrator, who is anonymous, sent over this quote:
Here are the latest post from the groups page:take our poll - story continues belowDo you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“As a concerned citizen of Clay County I felt compelled to start the page Saving Clay County from Craig Aldrich. I have been flooded with input from hundreds of other concerned citizens as well as members of the CCSO (Clay County Sheriff’s Office). They all want the public to know the truth about Aldrich. He’s an adulterous fraud. He’s engaged in extramarital affairs, professes to hold degrees that are questionable if not fraudulent.
He’s proven over and over to be unqualified and incompetent. Most are afraid to speak out publicly for fear of retaliation. I have been personally threatened with being framed on a drug charge after a bogus traffic stop. Careers and family safety stop anyone from within the department from speaking out. That is why I made this page. To give a layer of protection to the brave man and woman who protect Clay County everyday.”