Democratic Party big wig heads have exploded after Republican senatorial candidate Carlos Beruff told the Broward County GOP that he believed that anyone from the Middle East, except those from Israel, should be banned from entering the U.S.
No, Beruff’s statement is not exactly what Donald Trump said. Trump famously stated that all Muslims should be banned until U.S. government officials can figure out “what is going on” with the country’s immigration crisis.According to Beruff’s campaign, the millionaire builder specifically said that “anybody from the Middle East,” not anyone who happens to be Muslim.
Here is what Beruff said:
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He added:
“I think it’s pretty simple. We have a system that doesn’t work. When they fix that, I don’t care. But right now we have a terrorist threat that’s very real. You want to ignore it, but I don’t…Israel is different, he told the paper, because “I think Israel’s security measures are pretty strong … Israel is an exception.”
For a second, the Wasserman Schultz’s off the world began to salivate over possibly being able to label Beruff and the rest of those dastardly, “racist” Republicans as Islamaphobes.
Wait, they’ve already been there and done that.