So much for Obama thinking that the Castro regime in Cuba would change their criminal ways.
The Panamanian government has just “intercepted” a bunch of cocaine (401 kilos) from a ship from Cuba to Belgium that was trying to hide the contraband with molasses tanks.Remember, Cuba has held a choke hold at all of their ports of entry-nothing gets on or off the island without the Castros knowledge. Nothing.
Details are forthcoming of this interdiction at the Colon Free Trade Zone, which has been dubbed by intelligence officials as “Operation Fiery Cane” (“CaƱa Brava”).
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.It’s important to note that the interception — also by the Panamanian authorities — of 240 tons of illegal weapons from Cuba to North Korea in 2013 was originally underĀ suspicionĀ of a drug shipment.–Capital Cubans
I wonder what President Obama is thinking right now?