In Part 2 of my interview with Donald Trump’s Senior Policy Adviser, Stephen Miller, Miller talks about how he and others feel that Senator Marco Rubio pushed President Barack Obama’s “two biggest legacy items” during his term in the U.S. Senate.
One of those issues was Obama’s Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), which Miller contends that Rubio, who “gave a big speech in favor of it,” did not actually read the bill and pushed it, regardless of the fact that scores of Americans openly it.“Rubio secretly pushing for this trade bill that Barack Obama wanted… on the two biggest legacy items Obama’s had, his trade agenda and his immigration agenda, Marco Rubio was the guy, both in public and behind the scenes pushing the president’s agenda items, his legacy items…Marco Rubio has done more to try to cement the president’s legacy than any Democrat in Congress has.”
Miller concluded the interview by making that allegation that Rubio is bought and paid for.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“Marco Rubio is a man for sale. He will sell his vote to the highest bidder”-Stephen Miller
Rubio is down in the recent public opinion polls in Florida to Donald Trump, and could be in jeopardy of dropping to third behind Senator Ted Cruz, who has been surging after some recent presidential primary wins.
You can read Part 1 of the interview with Stephen Miller here.