On Monday evening at an event at Valdosta State University Donald Trump ordered Secret Service agents to remove a number of black students from the premises as reported by The Hill.
Before Trump spoke in Valdosta, Ga, about 30 black students who were quietly standing on the top of the bleachers were told to leave the event.The students complied and were escorted by the Secret Service outside, where they needed to vacate the area of the rally.
19-year-old Valdosta State University student, Tahjila Davis said:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.We didn’t plan to do anything. They said ‘This is Trump’s property; it’s a private event.’ But I paid my tuition to be here.
Earlier on Monday black students at a Trump rally in Virginia were removed by the Secret Service after they chanted “No more hate! No more hate! Let’s be equal, let’s be great.”
The removal of the students comes as Trump faces opposition for not disavowing former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke’s support during a Sunday interview on CNN.