Jeb Bush was able to bring a New Hampshire crowd to their feet on Sunday when he called Donald Trump a loser.
Bush said:It’s a sign of weakness when you make fun of the disabled. What kind of man would do that? You do not want that man as president of the United States, I can promise you that . . . it’s a sign of real weakness when you call John McCain or Leo Thorsness or anybody else that is a POW, who served this country in a way that should be admired, America heroes. Calling them losers? Donald Trump, you’re the loser!
He also came out in defense of his brother, former president George W. Bush.
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Bush also made some digs at his opponents: Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz by sarcastically calling them “gifted.”
He said:We have two gifted freshman senators that are also front-running candidates. They’re gifted. Look, I got a monkey brain to be honest with you. I can’t say the same thing, I can’t say it. My mind works differently.
Rubio took a lot of heat from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie at Saturday’s debate. Christie called him out for repeating the same phrases throughout his answers which left Rubio frazzled.
Bush also said message discipline was not his strong suit while pointing to his head. He said:
It’s fertile. It’s growing. It’s challenging. I’m always questioning myself. I’m intellectually curious. It’s not all scripted. I think that’s actually a strength to be president of the United States because you cannot script the presidency.