Donald Trump’s debate boycott brought in $6 million dollars for vets on Thursday night.
While the other candidates were at the Fox debate, Trump was at his debate boycott at Drake University.For several days people have speculated the stunt could hurt his campaign but after comparing the crowd and the number of cameras to the Academy Awards, Trump dismissed the notion that Iowans would see him as a sore loser.
Trump said:
He also said Fox had been “extremely nice,” but it was too late. In an interview before the rally with CNN he said Fox News “apologized” to him for a mocking statement the television network issued.take our poll - story continues belowDo you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.We love our vets. When you’re treated badly you have to stick up for your rights and that’s what our country has to do.
We have to stick up for our country when we’re being mistreated.
During the rally, Trump had a secret weapon: his pregnant daughter Ivanka. He said:
Ivanka, I said, it would be so great if you had your baby in Iowa. It would be so great — I’d definitely win!
Also appearing at the rally was Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee.
The details of exactly how Trump plans to parcel out the money raised to veterans groups remained unclear but he said he gave $1 million of his own money to veterans.
Inside the auditorium where Trump spoke, they reserved special seating for veterans, many of them disabled. Trump recognized them as he took the stage.