After Donald Trump decided not to participate in the upcoming Fox debate and to hold his own competing function, Ted Cruz challenged him to a one on one debate in Iowa.
Cruz’s Press Secretary, Catherine Frazier tweeted:
.@tedcruz: “If @realDonaldTrump is afraid of Megyn Kelly… let’s have debate mano a mano before the Iowa caucus” @marklevinshow moderates!
— Catherine Frazier (@catblackfrazier) January 27, 2016
While on Mark Levin’s show Cruz also stated:
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Cruz went onto criticize Trump saying his withdrawal shows his:
lack of respect for the men and women of Iowa.
He also said if Trump is afraid of Megyn Kelly how is he going to deal with people even scarier such as Vladimir Putin:
If he thinks Megyn Kelly is so scary, what exactly does he think he’d do with Vladimir Putin?
I promise you Putin is a lot scarier than Megyn Kelly, and I’d like to hear Donald explain to the American people and to the people of Iowa how he is prepared to be commander in chief if he’s terrified by a television host.
When Cruz was off the show at a campaign rally in Fairfield, Iowa he continued to press the issue. He said:
We can arrange for Mark Levin to moderate, or Sean Hannity to moderate, or Rush Limbaugh to moderate, or Glenn Beck to moderate. If all of them are too scary, then we can do it with no moderators whatsoever.
Let’s see if Trump accepts the challenge.