Our managing editor, Javier Manjarres was on NewsMaxTV’s NewsMax Prime along with Democratic media strategist, Franco Ripple discussing the state of the GOP race.
A new poll in New Hampshire shows Jeb Bush in second place.When asked about the poll Manjarres said:
I have been saying this since Las Vegas. He is going to surge but I don’t think it is going to be much of a surge. He is going to have to contend again with Rubio, with Kasich, contend with Christie. They all are frankly in the boat.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Manjarres said Bush needs to place well or he is dead in the water.
Ripple was asked what he would tell Bush to energize voters. He said:
This is Jeb Bush’s time to get this done. He needs to solidify this second place. One poll does not a campaign make. He’s got to solidify this and actually come in second place when the votes are tallied.
Next, they discussed Trump’s continued attacks against Hillary Clinton. Recently he tweeted a picture of her next to Bill Cosby.
The commentators were asked why her campaign has been dropping in the polls and if it had to do with her bringing out Bill Clinton.
Manjarres said she was dropping in the polls because of her, not because of the Republican attacks against her.
Ripple said he was leery about the investigation against Clinton. He feels it is simply Republican witch hunt against Clinton.
You can watch the full exchange below: