During a campaign stop last week in New Hamsphire, while discussing aliens Hillary Clinton said:
I think we may have been [visited already]. We don’t know for sure.
Her comment came after she was asked about Bill Clinton’s comments during an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live in 2014. Bill suggested extraterrestrial life could exist.
He said:
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Hillary told reporters she would “get to the bottom” of UFOs. Which is ironic because her husband promised the same thing when he was president and he never did.
Here is Clinton’s comments on Rosewell in 1995:Hillary also pointed out her campaign chairman John Podesta is a major fan of UFO theories.
She said:
It’s an odd campaign promise to make: elect me and I will tell you if there are aliens.He has made me personally pledge we are going to get the information out. One way or another. Maybe we could have, like, a task force to go to Area 51.
No thanks.