Senator Jeff Sessions (AL-R) presented a list of 12 “vetted” refugees who quickly joined jihad plots to attack the United States after they were relocated here.
President Barack Obama promises the new refugees will be vetted but top security officials have stated Syrians cannot be properly vetted because the United States doesn’t known what they were doing in Syria before they applied for refugee status.As reported by Breitbart, a lot of the jihad attempts in the United States were launched by the children of Muslim refugees and migrants. The list Sessions presented included the two Chechen brothers who bombed the Boston Marathon, and Anwar al-Awlaki who was killed by a U.S. missile strike when he fled to Yemen. What that means is Obama is importing national-security risks that will eventually cost billions of dollars to manage.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.This list — which only covers 2015 and not the many jihadis from prior years — illustrates just how incapable our government is of vetting refugees or predicting post-entry radicalization. Yet the president wants a completely blank-check [in the appropriations bill] to fund not only all of these existing refugee programs from across the globe, but to add a permanent Syrian resettlement program to it — funded directly out of Americans’ paychecks and retirement accounts.
The incomplete list of refugees turned jihadis includes:
- Liban Haji Mohamed – a native of Somalia who came to the U.S. as a refugee, applied for and was granted citizenship. He is wanted form allegedly providing material support to Al-Qaeda. Here is his arrest warrant: Mohamed-Liban-Warrant-1
- Abdinassir Mohamud Ibrahim – a native of Somalia who came to the United States as a refugee in 2007. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison for conspiring to provide material support to the terrorist organization, Al-Shabaab. Here is his indictment: Abdinassir Mohamud Ibrahim
- Abdullach Ramo Pazara – a native of Bosnia who came to the United States as a refugee. He was named in an indictment against six individuals who left the U.S. to go to Syria and fight with ISIS just days after becoming a U.S. citizen. He is not in custody because he is believed to be dead. Here is his indictment: indictment.Hodzic.Rosic.Salkicevic.Harcevic.Ramic
- Ramiz Zijad Hodzic – a native of Bosnia who came to the United States as a refugee. Charged with conspiring to provide material support and resources to terrorists. Here is his indictment: indictment.Hodzic.Rosic.Salkicevic.Harcevic.Ramic
- Armin Harcevic – a native of Bosnia who came to the United States as a refugee. Charged with providing material support to terrorists. He also collected money from third parties and wired it and his funds to terrorists. Here is his indictment: indictment.Hodzic.Rosic.Salkicevic.Harcevic.Ramic
- Nihad Rosic – a native of Bosnia who came to the United States as a refugee. Charges with providing material support to terrorists. He also sent funds to terrorists abroad. Here is his indictment: indictment.Hodzic.Rosic.Salkicevic.Harcevic.Ramic
- Mediha Medy Salkicevic – a native of Bosnia who came to the United States as a refugee. Charged with providing material support and resources to terrorists. She also collected money from third parties and wired it and her funds to terrorists. Here is her indictment: indictment.Hodzic.Rosic.Salkicevic.Harcevic.Ramic
- Abdurahman Yasin Daud – born in a refugee camp in Kenya and came to the United States as a refugee child. Charged with attempting to provide material support to ISIS. Here is his indictment: Abdurahman Yasin Daud