Kudos to POLITICO for pointing this out. We all know Donald Trump has picked on Jeb Bush for being “low energy” and now he obsessed with some new: Marco Rubio.
Trump has pointed out at least 8 times how much Rubio sweats! Que?!?As reported by POLITICO Trump told Bloomberg TV on Monday:
[Rubio] is the one that sweats the most . . . He’s the youngest but I have never seen any human being sweat like that.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Rubio for the most part has been ignoring Trump’s comments. He did tell Fox News in October:
Here are the seven additional times when Trump pointed out Rubio’s sweating:I drink water. So what? And I only sweat when it’s hot.
- September 18 interview on Kilmeade & Friends on Fox News Radio: “Marco Rubio, I’ve never seen anybody sweat like that and you know a lot of these guys are serious sweaters, frankly but it was extremely hot in the [debate] room and extremely uncomfortable.
- September 23 during a speech in South Carolina: “Rubio, I’ve never seen a young guy sweat that much. He’s drinking water, water, water . . . I never saw anything like this with him, with the water.”
- September 24 interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe:“He sweats more than any young person I’ve ever seen in my life . . . I’ve never seen a guy down water like he downs water . . . They bring it in buckets for this guy.
- October 5: Trump’s campaign sent Rubio a 24-bottle case of Trump Ice Natural Spring Water along with two Make America Great Again towels and bumper stickers. A note that accompanied the gift said “Since you’re always sweating, we thought you could use some water. Enjoy!”
- October 10 in Norcross, GA: “[H]ere’s the problem with Rubio: when you sweat that much. . . now think of it. So you have Putin – he’s sitting over here. And he’s waiting to kill the stupid Americans because he’s been destroying us so badly. So he figures, and a guy walks in, and he’s soaking wet and sweating. ‘Hello, hello, can I have some water?'”
- October 21 in southern Iowa: “I always say, I have never seen a young person sweat like Marco Rubio. . . He drinks more water — he’s like a machine. Water, water, water. Sweats, gives a speech. Think of Putin. Pretty tough cookie, right? I think [of] Rubio and I’m saying, you have to be cool. You have to be really cool. And Rubio’s going to meet him and walk in, and he’s sweating — sweat is pouring down. And Putin’s going to look at him and say, ‘What the hell is wrong with this guy?'”
- October 24 in Jacksonville, FL: “Have you ever seen a guy sweat like Rubio?”