A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Tuesday shows that only 27 percent feel the country is on the right track. 54 percent claimed the political systems are stacked against them.
As reported by POLITICO, Democratic pollster Fred Yang said:So an electorate that voted for major change in 2014 appears once again to be dissatisfied.
Respondents dissatisfaction with the current political climate appears to be transferring over into the 2016 presidential election.
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According to the poll, Donald Trump was one of the most unpopular political figures. He earned a 56 percent negative rating, Hillary Clinton was next with 47 percent and Jeb Bush received 43 percent.
Obama topped the most popular political figures from both parties with 44 percent approval, next was Ben Carson with 37 percent and then Bernie Sanders with 34 percent.
In addition, 44 percent of registered voters said they would prefer a Republican to win in 2016 versus 43 percent who preferred a Democrat.The poll was conducted October 25-29 and it surveyed 1,000 adults. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points; plus of minus 3.7 percentage points for registered voters; and plus or minus 4.9 percentage points for 400 Democratic primary voters.