Donald Trump brags he is not beholden to anyone because he funds his own campaign but the Washington Post released a story that seemingly contradicts his claims.
The Washington Post says even though Trump has said “you know the nice part about me? I don’t need anybody’s money” his campaign is connected to a Super PAC that has his campaign slogan as its name.This summer Trump has even appeared at two events for the Make America Great Again PAC and his daughter’s mother-in-law has donated to the PAC.
Trump’s campaign manager has denied the campaign has any connection to the PAC and has even threatened the Washington Post with a lawsuit if they reported Trump gave the PAC his blessing but more and more evidence keeps emerging that they might be.
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Mike Ciletti is a Colorado-based operative who told POLITICO in August he was a consultant for the super PAC and he has been at Trump’s campaign offices several time. Also he is a director for the printing company WizBang Solutions which has collected more than $56,000 in payments so far from the campaign according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings.
When Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, was asked if he knew Ciletti he said “I don’t know him.” Two days later when the Washington Post confronted Lewandowski with the FEC filings showing they paid Ciletti’s firm he said “I know a lot of people. I know of Mike Ciletti and then he hung up.
The whole thing seems a little fishy.