On Monday, Kevin McCarthy announced he is running for Speaker of the House to replace John Boehner when he retires.
McCarthy said:We have made real progress towards shrinking an overgrown federal government and reforming our broken entitlement system. But our work is far from done. We can’t ignore the differences that exist, but we can and must heal the divisions in our conference with work, time and trust. That is why I have decided to run for Speaker of the House and graciously ask for your support.
The real test will be if the House conservatives that got rid of John Boehner like McCarthy. Even some have speculated they do not have enough votes to stop him from becoming the Speaker, as they have shown in the past they are making a difference in the House.
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One of those conservatives is Representative Mark Meadows. He told CNN:
Meadows is a member of the House Freedom Caucus. They are a group of 40 conservatives who have been urging leaders to take bold action on several issues. The group is advocating their should be more time to develop a plan for how the House GOP will function going forward before holding an election for new leaders.We spend 16 months or more figuring out who should be the nominee of our party for president. I think . . . we need to spend more than a week to figure our who the candidates for Speaker are.
Meadows also said:
To just move everyone up and not change the process is to suggest the issue was John Boehner, and I don’t see the issue as John Boehner.
e/pc;a;tat;]s\On Monday, Kevin McCarthy announced he will run for Speaker of the House as an effort to replace John Boehner when he retires.
McCarthy said:
We have made real progress towards shrinking an overgrown federal government and reforming our broken entitlement systems. But our work is far from done. We can’t ignore the differences that exist, but we can and must heal the divisions in our conference with work, time, and trust. That is why I have decided to run for Speaker of the House and graciously ask for your support.
Some of the House conservatives are not sold on him being the Speaker. Representative Mark Meadows (R-NC) told CNN:
We spend 16 months or more figuring out who should be the nominee of our party for president, I think . . . we need to spend more time than a week to figure out who the candidates for Speaker are.
Meadows is a member of the House Freedom Caucus which is a group that has been pressing leaders for bolder action on a number of different issues.
Time will tell who our next speaker is and in the meantime we can pray he is more conservative.