The massive theft of federal personnel records is worse than anyone thought.
As reported by CNN, on Wednesday the Office of Personnel Management said hackers stole 5.6 million fingerprints on file. That is a lot higher than the original estimate of 1.1 million fingerprints.That information is extremely sensitive information and poses an immediate damage to American spies and undercover agents.
When asked about the span of the breach an OPM spokesman told CNNMoney:
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Hackers now have a huge database of government employee fingerprints that could potentially be used to positively identify the true identities of the employees.
That person could be targeted for arrest or worse, assassination.It is very alarming since the United States suspects China is behind the hack.
Even though China and the United State are major trade partners they are also butting heads.
Both countries have a large military buildup. America is expanding its influence in southeastern Asia and China is expanding its influence in South America, Africa and the Pacific.
China could also use the fingerprints to blackmail victims by threatening to out their true identities.