Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina has just affixed another feather in her political hat.
Fiorina’s debate night “dare” to Hillary Clinton was met with silence by the former Secretary of State, as she avoiding directly answering the question posed to her by CNN’ Wolf Blitzer about those unbelievable videos that outed Planned Parenthood for harvesting aborted baby body parts, was answered by Clinton with a dodgeThe question:
“Have you seen those very, very controversial videos?”.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
The dodge:
“Well, Wolf, let’s break down what’s happening here. Because I think it’s important. I know that there is a move on by some of the Republicans in Congress to actually shut down the United States government over their demand that we no longer give federal funding to Planned Parenthood to perform the really necessary health services that they do for women.”
HC added:“So let’s put aside for a moment here that there is no debate … that Planned Parenthood does cancer screenings, it helps provide family planning and contraceptive advice, it works to provide some of the most difficult kinds of counseling … what this is about is that some of the Planned Parenthood facilities perform abortions. Which is legal, under the laws of the United States.”
CNN’s, ABC’s, CBS’ and the rest of the mainstream media outlets, have failed to, or have refused to cover the Planned Parenthood baby body parts procurement story.
Read more about Fiorina outing Planned Parenthood here
(H/T: Blaze)