Uh oh… He was caught. After hackers got a hold of the list for Ashley Madison’s customers we have been hearing about a lot of different well known people who were looking for affairs. The website was supposed to be a safe haven for married men and women looking to have a discreet affair but since the hackers got a hold of the client list it has become a nightmare for many.
The latest discovery is Florida State Attorney Jeff Ashton was looking for an affair. He was an active member for two years. Records show there were 14 transactions from 2013 through as recent as February 2015 linked to a member named Jeff Ashton and they all had his current Orange County address.Ashton rose to fame after he prosecuted Casey Anthony and he was by all accounts considered to be a family man who was devote to his wife and kids. Now he is coming out and admitting he did use the Ashley Madison site but he will not step down.
He came out and spoke about his infidelity.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.As embarrassed as I am about what I did, I did not commit a crime.
He even admitted sometimes he accessed the account from his office. He said he used a public Wi-Fi network on his personal laptop and did not use government equipment. He conveniently failed to mention he was on government time that taxpayers pay for.
Ashton also said:I ask for the public’s forgiveness for my shortcomings, but those choices have had absolutely no impact that I have given ammunition to those who seek to discredit the work our office does. I am proud of the work and what we have accomplished thus far. But today, I’m not very proud of myself.
Florida’s House Rules Chairman, Ritch Workman (R) was on the Ashley Madison list as well and he has since apologized.