As previously reported by Breitbart, on Monday, former Clinton adviser Dick Morris was on Newmax TV’s The Steve Malzberg Show. He said it is belief of the Clinton campaign that President Barack Obama, first lady Michelle Obama and his chief adviser Valerie Jarrett are behind the email scandal leaks.
Morris said:From the Clinton point of view this is all a set up by Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett, the three of them. Barack hates Bill and Valerie and Michelle hate Hillary. And they are determined to not let Hillary be the next president. This is the gospel according to Clinton. Because they are worried they will compromise the accomplishments, they will triangulate like Bill and I did. I think they believe, and they are basically right, that in the world of Washington you can not have leak after leak after leak from the executive branch in a Democratic administration without the president letting it happen.
Morris added:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.I think Obama is orchestrating this, not necessarily Barack Obama, but Michelle and Valerie and maybe Barack, but certainly with Barack’s knowledge. And that’s why Biden is going to announce in September – because they are determined to have Biden as the Democratic nominee because they are confident he will be the rubber stamp they want to succeed Barack. Now you know Biden could never beat Hillary, but Hillary could beat Hillary.