I am not quite sure why Rep. Alan Grayson (D) is going after his colleague in the House, and Democratic Senate opponent Rep. Patrick Murphy, on the ongoing Benghazi investigation.
Remember, this is Alan Grayson we are talking about here, so any reason for his actions, regardless of how loopy it may sound, should be taken seriously.Murphy was one of only seven House Democrats who voted in favor of convening the Select Committee on Benghazi to reinvestigate the radical Islamic attack against the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that resulted in four Americans being killed.
Here is what Grayson said:
First of all, Grayson forgot to mention that these are KKK “Tea Party Republicans.” Get it right Alan.take our poll - story continues belowDo you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“Patrick Murphy voted to give the Tea Party Republicans who run the House of Representatives the power to subpoena Hillary Clinton’s records, hold hearings and conduct a political witch hunt that will last through the presidential election,” Grayson said in a statement. “I would like to know if Patrick Murphy is happy with what he has done, or if he now regrets that vote.”
“With Patrick Murphy’s permission, Republicans have turned the investigation into the death of four Americans into a partisan witch hunt,” Grayson added. “Anyone with a brain knew that that’s exactly what they would do.”–TB Times
Second, I am not quite sure Republicans needed “Murphy’s permission” to convene this “witch hunt.”
Most Americans favor a thorough investigation into the incident, yet liberal Democrats like Grayson, who realize that this could hurt (it will) Hillary Clinton’s presidential aspirations, are pushing back against the investigation.
Grayson is probably just trying to win over hard-left voters and donors. This is exactly what he is doing, shamelessly politicizing Benghazi for his own personal gain.
Is this the reason why Grayson is hell-bent in protecting Hillary Clinton?