Shortly after addressing the 2015 Redstate Gathering convention in Atlanta, Georgia, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz spoke to the Shark Tank about President Obama’s “transformational policy” he believes will change the identity of the United States, illegal immigration.
It (blanket amnesty for illegal immigrants) is transformational policy, if amnesty goes through-it changes who we are as a country, if Obama and the Democrats succeed in this.- Sen. Ted Cruz.
Cruz reminds us that the “majority of the candidates” that took the stage with him during the Fox News GOP debate in Cleveland, all supported a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens, which is also amnesty.
Cruz pointed out that his friend and mine, Marco Rubio, was “enthusiastically” supported by Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, and President Obama, for his co-sponsoring and “authoring” of the “Chuck Schumer amnesty plan.”
Cruz then noted that both Politifact and CNN confirmed Cruz’s debate assertion that the majority of the candidates standing on the debate stage supported amnesty for illegal immigrants.take our poll - story continues belowDo you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.What was striking in Cleveland was a majority of candidates on that stage have advocated amnesty, not just advocated, advocated it for years. Many of them vocally, vigorous, publicly, As you mentioned, your and my friend Marco Rubio joined with Chuck Schumer, authoring the Chuck Schumer amnesty plan. In doing so, he was enthusiastically supported by Jeb Bush. In doing so he was enthusiastically supported by Scott Walker and President Obama.
Cruz then took another swip a Rubio for his full-throated support of the controversial “Chuck Schumer amnesty plan” of 2013, better known as the Senate “Gang of 8” immigration bill.
If we nominate a candidate, who has been a vigorous, vocal, aggressive advocate of amnesty, then the Republican candidate won’t stand up and challenge Hillary Clinton on amnesty, certainly won’t do so affectively, because anyone who tries to do so, the response will be, ” gosh, just a couple of years ago before you were running for president, you agreed with me we should grant amnesty.”
Read more on Jeb Bush standing by his principles, supports Common Core and amnesty for illegal immigrants–Click here