Jeb Bush was right in referring to himself as “Vito Corleone.” Bush is considered by many around the country as being the Godfather of federal Common Core education standards.
During the Fox News debate, Bush seemed to evolve (flip flop) on his long-standing support for Common Core, saying that he didn’t support the federal standards for states, whether they were “directly or indirectly” applied.Bush has personally, and through his foundations, has funded Common Core standards.
“I think the states ought to create these standards,” Bush said. “If states want to opt out of Common Core” — as seven states have — “fine, make sure your standards are high.”
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Just a few months back, Bush defended his position on Common Core:
To be clear, Bush supports Common Core, just doesn’t think the federal government should create education standards.“Because people have a different view of what Common Core is, am I supposed to back away from something that I know works?”
His friend and Republican presidential opponent Marco Rubio is completely against Common Core, stating at the debate that the federal government “will turn” the standards “into a mandate,” adding that “what they will begin to say to local communities is, You will not get federal money unless we do things the way they want you to do it” and “force it down the throats of our people and our states.”