The U.S. military is pointing the finger at Russia. They are blaming them for the recent hack of Pentagon computers used by the office of the Joint Chiefs.
As reported by CNN, military officials assessed the attack and said it was sophisticated. That indicates it came from a state-associated actor. Even though they are initially pointing the figure at Russia, China is not in the clear either.The only reason they do not think it is China is because the breach is not typical of Chinese hackers.
For more than 10 days, approxiametly 4,000 users on the Defense Department network have went without their email. Military experts are currently trying to scrub and rebuild the network prior to letting the workers regain use.
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The cyber experts have also concluded the hackers were specifically targeting the Joint Staff. They were seeing what they could learn from the unclassified email network.
This is not the first cyber attack by Russia. Earlier on this year, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said Russian hackers penetrated an unclassified Pentagon network and in April, U.S. officials said Russian hackers were behind several damaging intrusions that breached parts of the White House computer system.