In a video that has went viral, a self identified former Marine from Chattanooga, TN trashes Obama and pays his respect to the fallen Marines.
During the 11 minute video, the unnamed veteran called out the president and said:If you want our respect, earn it, because right now all you have is our resentment.
He said Obama has hurt this country and has not earned the respect to be called president.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
The Marine said after the terrorist attacks all Obama did was deliver a statement and he didn’t even have the decency to stand up.
Then he went over a list of shootings or deaths that Obama stood up when he spoke to the nation. They included: the Charleston shooting, the Boston riots, Michael Brown’s death, and when Whitney Houston passed away.
He said rather then standing up out of respect for the fallen soldiers Obama:slumped down in a chair and ramble through some poorly scripted apology that sounds as sincere as ‘if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.'”
The former Marine also said:
Our Founding Fathers knew this day would come, so they left us, the people, the power to overcome. Mr. Obama, you are a tyrant and nothing more.