Everyone seems a bit eager to condemn the flying of the Confederate flag by asking for its removal from public sight simply because some see it as a sign of oppression.
While there are violent extremists out there that choose to use the flag for their own selfish and bigoted reasons, I would gather that most Americans who waive the Confederate flag do no subscribe to such extremist ways.The flag is nothing more than a important piece of American history, and should be treated as such.
NASCAR became the latest organization to stop waiving the flag at their events, but that didn’t stop race-goers at the Daytona Speedway from raising their own Confederate flags in a show of opposition to NASCAR.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“It kills me that NASCAR is jumping on the bandwagon,” said 55-year-old Paul Stevens of nearby Port Orange. “They should just let it pass, let everything die down. But NASCAR is too quick to try to be politically correct like everybody else.”-Blaze
We should probably expect to see more pro-Confederacy acts like this to take place.
Just the other day in Boca Raton, Florida, two pick up trucks were driving around that city with both American and Confederate flags affixed to their truck beds.