On Wednesday the U.S. Treasury announced they are kicking Alexander Hamilton off the $10 bill and replacing him with a woman. Hamilton has been on the bill since 1929.
The bill will be redesigned with a woman in 2020 to mark the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment. That Amendment gave women the right to vote.Women have been on U.S. currency before. Martha Washington was on the $1 Silver Certificate from 1891 through 1896 and women have been on and off the $1 coin since it was created.
As for the new $10 bill, U.S. Treasury Jack Lew said:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.We have only made changes to the faces of our currency a few times since bills were first put into circulation, and I’m proud that the new 10 will be the first bill in more than a century to feature the portrait of a woman.
Who will be on the bill? Well, that is yet to be determined and the Treasury is asking for your help. Soon they will be launching a social media campaign asking who should be on the bill with the hashtag of #TheNew10.
The portrait has to be of someone who is no longer living by law and the Treasury wants to use a woman who embodies the theme of American democracy.Who do you think should be on the $10 bill?