On Monday Florida elected officials passed legislation that will give residents a cut in taxes on their cellphone bills and allow them to shop for school supplies 10 days tax free.
The package was stuck in the middle of the feud between the House and the Senate but now it is on it’s way to Governor Rick Scott’s desk.Even though the Legislature did not approve all of the tax cuts the governor wanted, he is expected to sign it.
Scott released the following statement:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Giving Floridians back more of the money they earn in tax cuts is the best thing we can do to keep Florida’s economy growing.
Initially the governor asked legislatures to cut taxes by $700 million. Since the House and Senate could not make up their minds about health care spending due to the loss of federal revenue they used the remainder of the tax cuts to cover the difference.
There will also be a back-to-school tax holiday from August 7 to August 16 this year. During that time the state will not collect sales taxes on clothing or shoes that amount to $100 or less. The tax holiday will also apply to school supplies and computers up to $750.Even though the governor wanted them to permanently eliminate sales taxes on college textbooks, legislatures only agreed to get rid of it for one year.