Combat veteran and congressional candidate Brian Mast appeared on Fox News for the second time in a week to discuss his incredible story of survival after losing both of his legs in a 2010 IED while conducting a special operations mission in Afghanistan.
You can read about and watch Mast’s first appearance on Fox News here.Mast’s congressional campaign, which is all the buzz throughout Florida and Washington, D.C., has set a very high bar for anyone thinking about running against him in Florida’s 18th congressional district.
During his appearance on Fox’s “America’s News HQ,” host Uma Pemmaraju asked Mast to talk about how his story has inspired so many people across the country, and how important it is for Americans to believe in their elected officials and leaders, and to “restore public trust.”
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.I think that anyone that has been in the military knows what is to see unity. We can be under the most austere possible conditions, but we still find a way to stay united, and that is something we are not witnessing right now across the board in the United States of America, and its something I feel is a leadership issue. It’s something that we’ve been led into this divide, and its something I honestly believe that we can be led out of.
Pemmaraju then askd Mast to talk about his “unbelievable journey” of recovery.
When I was first injured my father when he came to my bedside and said, ‘Brian, you need to pull yourself up, you go to find away to get back out there and get back to work, you can’t let your kids sitting on your butt because they would think that’s an ‘ok’ way to go through life,’ and that’s something that stuck with me. It’s something that I carried with me everyday in physical therapy, and I carry with me still everyday going forward, it pushes me and drives to make sure that I am always setting the best possible example I can for my children.