After having the law on the books for four decades, Governor Scott lifted the ban in the Sunshine State that prevented gays to adopt.
Many are very happy with the new law. They point out there are more children who need homes then there are homes for them. Others argue religious based adoption agencies should not be forced to comply.In 2010 a Florida appeals court ruled the ban on gay couple adoption was unconstitutional.
Dale Westling is an adoption attorney and he told News4Jax, even though this new law is in place there will still be some hurdles.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Then we’re going to have the question, who is the actual parent? Adoption creates parentage, so who would get custody? I see a lot of problems down the road about who would get custody.
Conservative critics have pointed out they’ve seen religious-based agencies in other states forced to close when they object to gay adoption.
To prevent that, Governor Scott released the following statement:It is my hope and expectation that the Legislature will take further action to make clear that we will support, private, faith-based operators in the child welfare system and ensure that their religious convictions continue to be protected.
Going forward, the new law goes into effect on July 1. The bill will also create incentives for state workers to adopt children and rewards community-based care agencies in Florida for successfully reaching goals in adoption and foster care.