On Monday the presidential campaign of Sen. Rand Paul was forced to take down a web video because the Senate Rules Committee determined the way they used Senate floor proceedings was against the rules.
The video was posted on YouTube and it used parts of a floor speech Paul gave about the Patriot Act.According to CNN, Brain Hart, spokesman for Senator Roy Blunt (MI-R):
Use of any duplication of television coverage of the proceedings of the Senate for campaign purposes is strictly prohibited.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.The Rules Committee advised Sen. Paul’s office and they agreed to take the video down.
The video was dramatic. It opened with footage of Ronald Reagan warning about trading freedom for security and then it shifted to Paul’s speech on the Senate floor when he said “enough is enough, we’re not going to take it anymore.”
When asked if Paul will face any punishment for his improper video the spokesman for the Rules Committee said formal action would have to come from the Senate Ethics Committee.As we had reported prior, several of Paul’s colleagues including Marco Rubio, have accused Paul of filibustering the Patriot Act only to raise money and momentum for his campaign. If that was his intention it has seemingly backfired and this latest fumble did not help him either.