Florida Speaker of the House Steve Crisafulli is willing to accept Medicaid expansion, as long as it is called something else.
Not really.The legislative special session that Governor Rick Scott called for to complete the 2016 state budget is underway, and Medicaid expansion proponents are really getting creative in their efforts to weasel their agenda into favor with House Republicans.
Speaker Crisafulli has seen the newly-dressed big Medicaid duck quaking its way up the Capitol steps.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“It’s still Medicaid expansion,” Crisafulli told reporters. “It uses the Medicaid population, it uses the Medicaid dollars, and it uses the program’s rules. You know the saying, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. It’s Medicaid expansion … and it’s fiscally irresponsible.”
You have to give some credit to the pro-Medicaid expansion group, ” A Healthy Florida Works,” for trying to veil Medicaid expansion by dressing it up in a pretty new spring dress.
Here is what they were pitching the new-look Medicaid expansion:“The House has made it clear they’re not interested in expanding Medicaid, and the good news is, neither are we.” -Dale Brill, a Tallahassee-based business consultant and former state tourism director under then-Gov. Charlie Crist.
Bill added, “We need a plan that doesn’t bend to the will of the federal government,” he added. “We need a plan that we can call a Florida solution.”
“There’s a better way: A Florida way that doesn’t tie us to Washington politics and allows Florida to do what it needs to do … without expanding Medicaid.” -Jim Cameron, a vice president of the Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce
It may be time for Senators in Tallahassee to throw in the Medicaid expansion towel, and start licking their wounds.