Florida Representative Alan Grayson is known as the Congressman With Guts but on Saturday he took it too far when he posted a picture on his Twitter page @AlanGrayson that said:
Everytime we occupy a neighborhood with militarized police, we not only attack the mischievous, but also the innocent.
Underneath the statement he posted an edited picture with his quote: “The mission of our police is to serve and protect, not unnerve and disrespect” along with his website on the bottom.
It was what the picture contained that caught my attention. On the USPS drop box is says “F$#% the Police.” Wow . . . is that really how Grayson feels about the police? I have a feeling it is.
Everytime we occupy a neighborhood with militarized police, we not only attack the mischievous, but also the innocent pic.twitter.com/F4M4ciQ4mT
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