In Mandarin, FL the First Conservative Baptist Church is making national news. It’s not because of their fellowship or their accomplishments, it’s because of their sign.
Pastor Gene Youngblood says he is simply exercising his right to free speech but others are appalled.The sign reads:
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Stern words from a controversial pastor.
Pastor Youngblood said he has the right to put whatever he wants on the sign and hopes he can make a difference sharing what he states is the “word of God.”
Some local residents are disgusted. An unidentified resident told News4Jax:I think it’s very sad that people that claim to be Christians are hate mongers. And why can’t people mind their own business and let people live their life the way they want to live it? They’re not hurting anyone.
Pastor Youngblood refused to talk on camera. Instead he send News4Jax a three page response. He said:
Because we love people (yet, as directed in scripture to hate the sin), we therefore want to warn them of the coming judgment of God on the sin of homosexuality (and any other sin that is NOT repented of).
He went on to say he has great love for people and if he can save just one homosexual he would be happy.
It is my sincere prayer that perhaps ‘ONE’ practicing homosexual will have read our sign and will REPENT before it is too late and they are cast into HELL. HELL is a real place and anyone not believing in the reality of HELL will not change the temperature of the FLAMES a single degree.