Love him or hate him, liberal Democrat firebrand Rep. Alan Grayson has one of the healthiest egos, and is one of the most genuinely straight up members of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Yes, Alan Grayson likes to stir controversy by saying really off-color and offensive things against Republicans, just to raise campaign dollars. After all, aren’t all Republicans “bigoted tools” as Grayson likes to say?But why not? It works for him, and the name of the game in campaigns is raising as much dinero as possible.
Grayson recently proclaimed that he was the top money-man in the House, as far as getting small dollar donations “of less than $200.”
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“I’m the only member of the House of Representatives who raised most of his campaign funds in the last election from small contributions of less than $200”-Rep. Alan Grayson (D)
He’s right.
Politifact took up Grayson’s claim and gave him a give fat “True” on their “Truth-O-Meter.”
In 2012 & in 2014, I was the only House Member (1 of 435) who raised most of his campaign funds from small donors.
— Rep. Alan Grayson (@AlanGrayson) April 28, 2015
Will Grayson’s fundraising prowess make a difference in Florida’s 2016 Senate race, where Grayson has stated that he will “probably” run in, and challenge his Democrat colleague in the House, Rep. Patrick Murphy?
For entertainment purposes alone, one could only hope that Grayson jumps into that Democrat Senate primary race against Murphy.
The winner of the Senate Democrat primary race could face Republicans Rep. Ron DeSantis or Florida Lt. Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera, both of whom have signaled that they are seriously considering a run for the Senate seat.