Radical Islam continues to target fellow Muslims overseas, this time the scene of the latest attack against their own was conducted on the campus of Garissa University in eastern Kenya, when gunman indiscriminately started shooting students at around 5:30 am. just as Muslim morning prayers were commencing.
Jihad Watch reports differently.According to the Associated Press, officials in Kenya have reported that at least 15 have been killed and dozens others injured, many of them injured trying to escape the carnage.
The Al Qaeda-linked Islamic terrorist group al-Shabaab out of Somalia, is suspected of carrying out the attack, considering that the group have vowed to retaliate against Kenya’s  for deploying its military to Somalia counter their aggression in that country.Augustine Alanga, a 21-year-old student who survived the attack, said gunshots rang outside while most people were still sleeping. He told the Associated Press the shooting became more intense almost immediately, which forced some students to stay indoors while others retreated as gunmen fired at them.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“I am just now recovering from the pain as I injured myself while trying to escape. I was running barefoot,” said Alanga, who was one of scores of students who managed to escape through barb-wire fencing.
Kenya’s northern and eastern regions, which border Somalia, have been plagued by attacks blamed on al-Shabaab, an Al Qaeda-linked Islamist group from Somalia.-Fox
Because of their track history of murdering innocent Muslims and non-Muslims, Al-Shabaab  can be fairly categorized as being as ruthless as Boko Haram and ISIS.
Last month, al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for attacks in the county of Mandera on the Somali border in which twelve people died. Four of them died in an attack on the convoy of Mandera County Governor Ali Roba. Â
Al-Shabaab carried out large-scale attacks in Mandera last year. The militants hijacked a bus and singled out 28 non-Muslims forcing them to lie on the ground before shooting them dead. Ten days later, 36 non-Muslim quarry workers were killed by the extremists. Â
Police statistics show that 312 people have been killed in al-Shabaab attacks in Kenya from 2012 to 2014. Thirty-eight people were killed and 149 wounded in Garissa in the same period, according to police statistics.
Then again, all Islamic terrorists are all just as cowardly al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, and ISIS, and must be met with overwhelming force and resolve. An eye for an eye.When are these Muslims in the Middle East going to realize that the real threat to their existance is radical Islam, and not Israel and the U.S. ?